Project Description
The door of the case was storey house that had access to a garden. The windows of the house had exposed wooden sliding shutters and interior recessed double sash sliding leafs.
The vacuum of the “Shine” between the wooden shutters and the leafs were 5cm so use of collapsible gate Steel solution was appropriate because the width of the frame does not exceed 4cm in steel folding door.
The construction became two-PLY – without using the hinge for rotation-like the existing frame of leafs and picking up that opening the door left and right does not impede the passage.
The width ‘collects’ the door on the right and left is 23% of the width of the frame by two (because double wing).
The choice of color was customer choice in color Ral-painted in a shade of gray.
The customer chose to insure your home with steel folding rails because they were exposed to risk due diarryxis story house, could not enjoy the view of kypou nor even have to open the doors to ventilate the place of residence.
Unseen need some special repair the existing frame, placed the folding iron railings with type code 90 – which is galvanized katakefi-designed to allow natural ventilation to collapsible left and right releasing 77% of the width of the frame and provide security and confidence to the client that made the selection.